Friday 26 March 2021

59 to 60 P3



So welcome 3 and to start i would like to say something about today, it is a year since Lockdown so today at 12 in work we observed a 1 minute silence for all who have passed due to this awful virus and to all us frontline workers and also tonight at 20-00 we light a candle a shone a torch in the air as well. It has been a quick year but also been very sad at times but as i have said in blog 2 it has brought us all closer at work and we all hope there is not another lockdown 3. Not much else to put in as been back at work and it has been fine and two more days before i come off for a while. So for today i leave you with a little thing i made up

                                                                A candle lit a torch shines bright

                                                                 And on this day and on this night

                                                                 We remember them 🕯 



Well my 4th day finished and i am now off for 10 days but i have to say it was a good 4 days busy at times but no real issues and i also have managed to use most of my annual leave. Today started well as on my break one of the nurses who went to buy something for her breakfast came back with a white coffee and a bacon roll for me and it was bloody lovely and a very nice thing to do yes it was 😋 and as i said was a good end to working week. So days off now and still very little we can do but hoping a lot of cycling and bit walking but it would have been nice if we were able to get away for a while but i am sure we will find things to do and of course hope for some good weather although this weekend sounds as if it could be a cold one.

Well i have been listening to a podcast which is called The Battersea Poltergeist based on real events, now i am unsure about ghosts i think i may be one of the you have to see it to believe it.. but got to say this is a good and very interesting podcast. 

There is 8 episodes of this and it is based on real events and here is a bit of what it says about it. 63 Wycliffe Road is an ordinary house on a quiet London street, but in 1956 it became famous as the site of an alleged poltergeist. The strange events focus around a teenager Shirley Hitchens. Now i am not sure how this ends as i have one more to listen to but if you like the supernatural or if you like podcasts then i would recommend this, it has me hooked and it is quite scary to listen to and part of me wants it to be true as when you listen to it and here their  story you just want it to be true and not some sort of prank, I don’t want to say anymore but if you have the time put your headphones in turn the lights off and have a listen.
These are the things i am doing during lockdown and in a way it has been good to discover other things to listen to as I usually hit my ears with loud music which does not help my tinnitus but hey i love music so can’t help myself. So onto tomorrow lets see what the day brings hopefully not

So Friday arrives and what to do well first is to have a good breakfast mmm in bed me thinks and after this was up to do bit of moving about in back room where i listen to my vinyl, i have cleaned this room at least three times, I have so much stuff and have already given a load to charity especially clothes just crazy what you find when you look, so time to clear out more but have to wait for the charity shops open again. Back home now after going out and having a coffee. So i am a big lover of whisky i like most and have a small but nice collection.

It has taken a while to get used to the different flavours as i used to think it all tasted the same but now i try to take my time to get used to the taste of each one even the blended whisky, i have to say my favourite is the Macallan this is a fine fine whisky a very smooth whisky with a lovely taste i have a bottle of the gold probably the cheapest of them all but don’t let that sway you as it wont let you down and hopefully i will add more to my collection, another favourite is Tomatin  Legacy a nice rich nutty whisky and also the Dalwhinnie winters gold or the 15 year old single malt these are the ones that i just love to sit with and just chill to some music and relax mmm and usually after a few i am well relaxed 😌 😂 but truthfully i just like most as you can see from the picture, i have to say though i have a bottle of the naked grouse the first time i bought this i did really enjoy it but i recently bought another bottle and it tastes different to me and it looks a lot darker and i am unsure if i like this now or not even though the bottle in the picture is near finished i find it a strange taste now. Some people always say the only thing that should go in whisky is more whisky mm well true but i have to say a little drop of water in a whisky improves the taste and i do mean a little. Ice is another thing I don’t mind putting in my whisky but this does tend to be the blended whiskies ones like dewars white label a very nice whisky this and very nicely priced as well.

Well not much else going on today and for tonight well it is another night in the house as still everything is closed, at the moment i sit listening to the Beatles doing a blog that i am not sure if i should share as lets face it it is not the most exciting as well nothing much going on, no cycle today due to strong winds sleet and hail but if i do post it and someone reads it i hope soon i can make it a bit mor exciting.

Well bike today but was very windy and my tennis elbow flared up as well but still managed a good 25miles. Headed up to Monikie and all around that area came back past Crombie park but wind was blowing a fair bit mmm and so was i, had a couple of glasses of white wine last night so was a bit blah at start.

But few miles in and felt ok was hoping for around 35 miles but was getting to stage of this is just a push all the way so was happy with what i had done. Back home gave bike quick wipe down before i was off out again to get few things for eating.

Pictures from todays ride they look good but believe me it was a tad cold as well. So out in car and away to the farm shop in Inverarity for some fresh stuff and after that well was back home and now chilling before tea...  Chee life’s a gas at the moment so it is. 


Today started with some sad news, a cycling friend who i first met while cycling around Invergowrie collapsed and died while cycling with a group i cycle with as well, i heard through one of them that i think every thing was done to try to revive him but to no avail. I did not know John really well as we just met through. Cycling and he stayed not to far from me so every time we met in the Ferry we stopped and talked and every time we cycled and stopped he sat and chatted away and even one time I remember we extended a cycle together and i got to know him a bit better even discovering that he was friends with some of my old teachers from school. John was very fit i think he was a coach and still did a lot of work on this as well and he was a great cyclist very fast but would also stay back to help the ones who were not so fast ( like me). I am glad i met him and finish part 3 with a picture of John.

                                                                            R I P John



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