Sunday 26 December 2021

59 to 60 part 40



Hello and welcome to part forty and Christmas week, was up early again so went for a walk and got some fresh bread and some cold meat, it is still grey and mist is coming down again, while making breakfast I took there orange juice out of the fridge door and the whole shelf came with it mm and hit the floor bursting a 4pint milk carton whoop great start to the day, I managed to save some in bottle so after a quick clean up it was breakfast and then a longer clean up as I don't want the kitchen to smell of sour milk so I decided to give the whole kitchen its festive clean which took well over an hour. Hard day today as Helen my gorgeous wife wants to sort out money and then go to a funeral directors to discuss a cremation I can only imagine what its like inside Helen's head at the moment as I know my head is going a bit crazy with thought. My brother and sister in law have sent her flowers delivered to the house which was really nice.

It is a strange feeling we want to enjoy this Christmas as we always do but I want to make it so much more special but it is hard as all I think about is Helen and keeping her as safe as possible whilst trying to keep things happy as I can, I know that sounds daft and even tomorrow we have a big day I am not sure how to react I sit alone at times and just feel completely out of it and completely out of control of the whole situation, the last two days I could feel some anger in me and it was coming out all in swear words and kicking things and then sitting down with tears poring down my face all this while trying to keep things festive. I just have to try and stay strong for her and do as much as I can for my wife Helen.

Bottom photo is of our first dance the tune, I wanna know what love is she was absolutely stunning that day and I know I have probably already done this but it was one of the happiest days of my life period. So on we go just waiting for Helen see what time she wants to go out at. I hope all that read this have a happy festive week the big build up to Christmas.

Been a very hard day well afternoon Helen been phoning around places asking about cremations and few other things, then we were out and had to go to bank to transfer money into her other account to give to her sister and her niece, all i can say is i was close to tears in that bank but managed to wait until we got home, i know this must have been so difficult to do for Helen but she is just so strong and such a great human who really does not deserve any of this. I finish here for today as it just seems right.

Good morning an early start on a day which io have not been looking forward to have been awake since before seven just could not get back to sleep no matter how hard i tried, so will make Helen’s breakfast soon and shower and well it will be out to Helen’s appointment and all i can think is i hope she gets this drug i know we are uncertain how long but she deserves every chance that is out their so 1-30 is the time we see them all at. I have come to my man cave for just a wee while just to do this blog and have ask my lights on and it is very nice and i hope i can get Helen to come out some time just to see how it looks but it is a big step to get in to it, this is something i will have to sort but will probably wait now until spring.
                                                           Myself and Helen at Lochness
Well it was not to bad and although her blood results are not back as yet if they are ok then she can have this new drug which will give us a bit more time together, and as I have said already I don't care if it was only one day it is one more day together mmm but here is hoping it is a lot more than that. He has cut her steroids back and we shall see what effect that has on Helen as her dizzy spells are not much better and he also said she should not drive any more and although this must have been hard to take I think Helen was expecting it and of course she has her own chauffeur and she knows wherever she wants to go I shall take her. We are back home and after doing a bit of shopping and after a cup of latte at costa we are now home and we have had an early tea and are just about to have a bit of chill as it has been a long day oh and Helen is looking forward to pigs in blankets soon as she keeps saying pigsnblankets so I don't forget lol I love this women. 
Hello and welcome to Wednesday blog and after what has been a night of Helen having the munchies and managing a wee glass of fizz we woken early so Helen can do a bit of wrapping and I can go out for a while after breakfast and pick up a couple of things one for Helen which I can’t mention as yet just in case she reads this but i shall on Christmas Eve. We are having lunch in the house today then I think Helen wants to go out for an hour to pick a couple of things. It has been a busy morning for her as she has been wrapping presents and the phone has not stopped. She was in a very Christmassy mood last night so we watched a couple of festive programs on tv while she ate her way through the fridge ha ha, well all i can say it is very good to see and even though it was a small glass of fizz it was nice just to sit and enjoy the evening. I am in the cave at the moment doing this blog and sorting out w ell I’m no saying yet shhhhh. 
A snowy scene just as it is nearly Christmas 🎅 one of my own and I have probably posted this one before, I am getting to the stage of forgetting what photos I have posted. Well back into Helen and a warm cup of something and a bite to eat. Well we have been and done a few things and now back home it is cold and rainy but they do say it may snow and may snow in certain places t give a white Christmas mmm i hope it does here as that would just be so magical for us both. I have left Helen in the house wrapping gifts so giving her a little space, I want to spend as much time with her but she is probably glad of a bit of space for a while and she knows I am not far away. It will be an early tea tonight as well so we can have a chilled night and possibly 40 winks as well, so as for todays blog well that’s it for now.
Hello and it has been a very busy day, i took Helen to see her solicitor which took a while and the we were off to visit her niece in Forfar, the traffic trying to get out of Dundee was awful it took just over an hour to get to the Forfar road, it was nice seeing them both today and i have a bit to right but it may have to be included in tomorrow’s blog as we are just home and about to have tea so this shall just be a shorter blog than usual. It has been raining most of the day and it is still cold 🥶 but we did get a few things done. So sorry for the shortness of this one today i shall hopefully make up for it tomorrow mmm yes Christmas Eve ho ho ho 🎅 
Hello and welcome Christmas Eve and as is it watching it's a wonderful life supping a cider all I can say that it has been a very hectic day, last night as Helen was getting ready for bed her filling in her tooth fell out so it was another job for today which was fine as we had everything done for 12-30 and back home where we enjoyed a coffee tower and a cup of tea, then it was onto preparing things for tomorrow oh boy that took a while, Helen had her own stuff to sort out as well so I think we are both mainly there now all soup cooked roast beef cooked tatties peeled and Brussels done as well so I hope we both can have a very quiet Christmas Eve night we shall see, todays tea will be made up of snacks and a few wee fizzes mm perfect. Helen had a hard day yesterday as we were up seeing her niece, she asked her niece if she would like her car and the both of them were blown away with the offer and also she told them about some money that was going to be transferred into their accounts, I think young Helen her niece really did not understand the gravity of all that is going on. But that is it done for that side and I was so wanting this day to be a nice quiet one especially for Helen but well as I say it will be a nice evening.

some snowy photos seeing it is Christmas, I have bought myself an instant camera so as I can get some happy memories of myself and Helen. I still have not found my wedding ring which really is getting me down I have moved stuff around the house in the hope it was lying some place but still no luck. Helen is convinced it will turn up and I hope that she is right. Well I shall hopefully be able to come on tomorrow and put in a bit about our Christmas Day all I want is for Helen to enjoy and for us both to have a great day. So just in case I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you all, was a quiet night last night and for the first time in years we were in bed before Christmas as Helen was feeling really tiered but we did stay awake to see it in and did manage to open a couple of presents. It was a busy day and can't blame Helen for feeling so sleepy but hope today it will be a bit different as we intend on doing very little mmm well apart from having Christmas dinner but we are normally finished early and then we are like two big sleepy things for an hour. Lovely presents from Helen new boots, whisky, new slippers only the best ones though and socks as well. And I think Helen liked some of her presents ha ha I'm am rubbish at trying to buy her presents and most of them that were bought were before we had the awful news. I have had a bit of a melt down sitting here on my own Helen telling me to stay strong my god that women has so much strength and dignity. But I shall stay strong today as I want Helen to enjoy this as much as possible.

a photo from a few years ago at work in Perth think it was Christmas Eve, I was meant to be working this year as well but due ti circumstances I am off and truthfully domino know when I shall be back at work. So back to to today and I have a few thing to do before the meal, I shall try and get back on later but failing that I shall be back Boxing Day. Well what a great day we have had together we have both tried to forget all that is going on and just have a really Christmas to remember, here is photo of my beautiful wife.

A great day had by us both and now to be followed by a really lovely Christmas night having few drinks and watching rubbish on tv. Merry Christmas all. 

Hello and welcome Boxing Day was up until midnight last night just to see out Christmas Day and see in Boxing Day, Helen felt beat so retired to bed to read her book and to take things easy which was fine, a cup of tea and slice of toast revived her a bit and she was still awake when I got through so we still saw out the day together. 

So today shall be a bit of the same but we shall have tea a wee bit later oh and there is also football on today my team take on Hibs but due to new covid rules as it’s on the rise again only 500 fans will be aloud in mmm kind of glad of that as it is a lousy day outside rain and very cold. So here we go am in cave for while as Helen has a wee sleep 😴 soup around 1pm then take things from their. 
Weather does not seem to be improving it has been grey for so long now i forget what the blue sky looks like been so wanting more frosty mornings but not much at all this year which is a pity but saying that it did not get the snow and ice until January which is only a week away. Well we come to the end of this blog we have had a nice couple of days and today well even though my team got beat it’s been great having Boxing Day together and a nice meal. She is a real gem and the future is uncertain at the moment we are trying to live in the here and now. So until part 41 I hope the Christmas period has been good for you all. Take care and BYEEEEE

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