Hello and welcome to the last week of the blog and I want to thank anyone who has taken the time to read this, yes the last few have all been about Helen of course, we have had an ok start to the day although have been bit angry as was trying to sort out some financial things for Helen but I’d been as well and going out and speak to the birds, I will not go on about it here as it would just be full of swearing 🤬 I have been mainly inside today as it’s taken a while and it is still not sorted. Not best day did manage a small walk but very grey today and cold but hopefully will manage another walk later.
Just back from wee walk lovely colour in the sky tonight, Helen had had a quiet day after I suppose a busy kind of wknd with people visiting and her being awake a lot more. When tea came tonight Helen said she was not much in the mood for eating but the nurse brought a chicken casserole in and then she went and made us an ice cream Sunday which had a snowball in and a flake topped with strawberry sauce and Helen scoffed the lot I think that is the most I have seen her eat in a long time and it was good to see as she was obviously loving it. Couple of photos below of tonight’s sky.
Welcome March and a beautiful frosty start, nice start of toast and scrambled egg with nice hot cup of tea and then managed to get Helen to walk a bit as well. Had a walk close to balgay hill which was nice and managed few photos as well.
Helen is ok today and seems bright, she is sleeping at the moment but is about to have her shower before her sister arrives. So let’s see what the day brings. Well the day brought a new mountain bike a wee treat for my upcoming birthday as i can see it being a very quiet one for my 60th but the main thing is i will be spending it with Helen and that will be the best birthday present i can ever have. Will post picture of bike later but it is mainly bought so i can have a run around here and just try and pep myself up a bit to continue helping Helen. Few pictures of new MTB below.
We’ll help and welcome to the second last day of this year long blog, this morning has been ok and I managed to fit in a 10mile cycle as well after me and Helens breakfast of mmmm yup cereal, tea and toast and after that managed to go out for this cycle which was hard as not been out for long time but still very enjoyable and took my mind of a lot of things for a while. Helen is ok again today and is sitting in her chair I am hoping soon she may like to come outside for a while for some fresh air.

Well not to bad a day i suppose Helen once again eating everything that was put in front of her which was good to see and we did manage to chat a bit more as well and although she is in bed at the moment i will waken her a couple of times just to get her talking for a while. Rain has been on and off today and does not look much better tomorrow which is a pity but i think we have two people coming to visit tomorrow so that will be a nice change and hopefully Helen will be ok with this as well. So football tonight so that will pass my time and ten a read and hoping for a good nights sleep.
Well hello and welcome to the second last day of this blog, it is hard to believe after tomorrow this will be finished and although lots has happened i have tried my best to keep on going. Helen was very shaky on her feet this morning and at one point i had to get a chair for her, i have started to do a bit more bending oof her legs to help see if we can strengthen them and it seems to have worked as she did manage to walk back to the shower room and have her shower so i will carry on with this all day and into the night. Helen wrote out my 60th birthday card and even thought her writing has gone i told her that just a few xx would be fine for me but i have to say it was a bit upsetting to see as Helen writing has always been great but as i say all i want is a x and that will do. The weather has brightened up a bit so i am going to go for an hours cycle around this area and get some fresh air.
Helen has had a not to bad day she recovered her walking and I continued to do some leg bending exercise with her and it did seem to work, we had two visitors as my brothers wife came to see her and her sister popped up for a while as well which was nice and id seem to perk Helen up a bit as well. At this moment in time Helen is having a nap but got her to lie on her side for a while as her back has been a bit sore. I managed around 8 miles on my MTB so that was a good little break as well. So one more day and i feel a bit weird that this will end after tomorrow, its amazing how quick a year goes and I remember sitting in my back room listening to some vinyl and starting this a year that started good to year that has seen me go through every possible emotion, my beautiful wife has fought so bravely been so strong and i sit writing this and looking at her well she is still that woman not willing to give in and the change that i have seen since this uti has been remarkable but as i keep saying she is a remarkable woman is Helen xx. Some random photos below.

04/03/1962 -04/03/22
Well it’s here the last day of my blog and it has been a good start plenty of birthday wishes and cards and gifts but as I said to Helen this morning you are the best birthday present I could ever have it’s been a rollercoaster but I’m here you are here and I could not ask for more. It has been good this and it has kept me going so look out for more blogs in the future. We have a lot of visitors coming today so I imagine by the end Helen will be a bit tired but as long as we have the day then that’s great. We were meant to be in Liverpool for few days I was going to do the Beatles trail and of course see some other sites but we’ll that can’t happen so I am sitting in the room beside Helen listening to the fab 4 well it’s the next best thing I suppose. So let’s see how today goes.
Well lots of visitors and some nice presents as well Helen been a bit more tired though but that’s ok as long as she knows that i am ok and have had a good day, yes few melt downs but well i thought that would happen today. As i draw to a close i think of all we have gone through and i find it hard to believe that when i started this everything was ok and we were both happy and just getting on with life and to this day and how hard it has been for me but more especially my beautiful wife Helen oh to go back to this time last year.

Well this is it we come to an end of this blog but first i want to say thanks if you kept up with this i am never sure who reads it but i can always see 4 to 6 people read it. I have had a good birthday all i wanted was to spend it with Helen which i have done and also family members of both sides and i have been given nice presents as well. To finish well what does my future hold? A question i wish i could answer but it is uncertain at this moment, yes i will take each day as it comes and yes i will keep my gorgeous wife on this planet as long as i can i can see a wee bit of fire in her eyes again and wee bit of fight as well yes she sleeps but it takes it out of her but she is fighting and is beside me keeping her going and i will continue always to fight for her. On a personal note i used to think i was strong but this has changed me as a man and i say again that i feel completely different from when i started this blog and will never know if the real Ged will ever come back. Thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you all.
Gerard Hepburn